Sunday, February 23, 2014

"Peek at the Week" February 17-21

Here is a peek into our week :)

Writer's Workshop 
We published our first opinion piece this week! Thank you for helping your child gather a shoebox collection to use for this first bend of our opinion writing journey!

We focused on making our writing more convincing. One way writers do this is by "quoting experts". 

We learned that our classmates know a lot about the things in our collections. We can use their quotes to strengthen our arguments.

We also learned that writers add sparkle words and talk back to quotes in their writing. Look at how many ways we know to make our writing stronger!

Here are some of our finished pieces!
  • Below is what the common core expects from first grades. As you can see, many of us can write beyond this expectation!
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.1.1 Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or name the book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply a reason for the opinion, and provide some sense of closure.

Reader's Workshop
This week we explored a new genre of reading- biographies! We emersed ourselves in biographies about Abraham Lincoln. We learned a lot about how readers read biographies as we learned many interesting facts about Abe Lincoln! 

We recorded our new learning on many graphic organizers which we housed in our reader response journals.

We read many types of texts throughout the week as we learned about Abe.

At the end of the week we took everything we learned and put it together in a report about Lincoln! 

Did you know that Abraham Lincoln was our tallest president? He was 6'4" tall!  We compared our heights to Abe! Wow was he tall!! 

Math Workshop
We finished up unit 4 on place value this week. Please look for this assessment in your child's folder on Monday.

Our next unit focuses on place value situations. The first half of this unit focuses on teen solution methods.  This week we explored the 'making ten' solution. 

You might notice throughout this unit that there are nights your child does not bring home homework. Many of the lessons will require two days to complete. Those would be great nights to use the make a ten cards or go on DreamBox Learning! 

I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

"Peek at the Week" February 10-14

We celebrated two events this week: 100 day and Valentine's Day!  The 100th day of school is such a big milestone to reach in the school's all down hill from here!  

 Happy 100th Day of school!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Writer's Workshop
We started a new unit,and genre, this week in Writer's Workshop- opinion writing!  We are learning how to state our opinions and how to back them up with reasons. 

This week everyone brought in a shoebox collection. We put on our 'judge's' hat and learned how to judge our collection in order to determine a winner. 

After we determined our 'winner' it was time to convince others by writing our opinions. Throughout the week we learned that in order to convince, or persuade, others we must give reasons and details. 

We learned how to use a checklist in order to revise our opinion writing. 

Finally, on Friday we learned that everyone has differnt opinions.  It is ok to disagree with someone as long as you can respectfully explain why.  We judged our writing partner's collection and them wrote whether we agreed or disagreed and why. 

                         I disagree....

                     I agree because...

Reader's Workshop
We wrapped up our unit in realistic fiction this week!  

We learned that characters can learn lessons in stories by how they change throughout the story.  On Friday, we reflected on the big lesson Ruthie learned in:

Next week we will start a 3 week unit on biographies. We will be focusing on the lives of Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, and Dr. Seuss!

Math Workshop
This wee we focused on: 

Determining if we are adding ones, tens, or both when adding numbers.

Adding a one digit number to a two digit number. We focused on totals that made a new ten group. Look at the many ways we know how to solve this type of equation! 

We also learned how to compare two digit numbers using less than, greater than, and equal to.

  Comparing three numbers for and       extra challenge! 

Wow! What a week!

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Hogue 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

"Peek at the Week" February 3-7

Our first week of February was filled with new routines, publishing our series books, and using math vocabulary to expalin mathematical reasoning.  I am amazed each and every day how far these little minds have come since they entered my room 5 months ago!  Here's a peek at what we have been up to:

Writer's Workshop
 We spent most of this week revising and editing our series books.  But before we emersed ourselves into 'Fixing up and fancying' our work, we turned to our me to Cynthia Rylant one more time.  We noticed that Cynthia stretches her stories and add details in groups of three. We noticed the way she did this in Henry and Mudge and the Happy Cat:
It loved the towel closet.
It loved the bathtub.
And it loved Mudge. 

The kids were then encouraged to stretch out their own stories by adding details in groups of three.  

Violet tried this out in her writing. Instead of saying They built a snowman, she wrote: 
They put a hat on Dave.
They out a scarf on Dave.
They even out buttons on Dave. 


After we finished up all the books in our series, it was time to revise and edit.  We looked at series boom titles and covers and noticed many similarities. Series books look very similar- which makes sense since they are all about one character! We made covers for all our books too!  Here are some covers from Samuel's Michael series: 

We added our series books to our classroom library...we are authors too!  I will have these available for you to enjoy at conferences next month :). Until then, you can enjoy your child's writing that came home on Friday. These were stories from their first series.  

Next week we will begin an exciting unit...opinion writing! This is a new genre of writing that will move children away from narrative writing and into to stating an opinion and giving reasons to support it. (I'm sure many of your children are very good at giving you reasons why they should be able to do something!) Please don't forget to help your child put together a shoebox collection for Monday!

Reader's Workshop
This week we talked about connections readers have with characters or events in stories. The biggest thing we learned is that our connections should help us understand the story better and not distract us. We thought about our connections and the relevance to the story- did we make a connection to a big idea or event?  Or was it to a small detail? 
We used the phrase This reminds me of...because...  Encourage your child to do this at home while reading! 

Word Work 
This week we continued our study on syllables.  The common core states that first graders should know that each syllable in a word needs a vowel and apply this when attempting to spell   multisyllabic words. Next time your first grader says "How do you spell..." remind them to think about each syllable in the word to help them spell!

We practiced just that this week. I gave children multisyllabic words to spell. We put a line for each syllable we heard and spelled the word one syllable at a time. 


              frozen             detective 

              quarter           camera 

Remember, spelling is a process and it is important to encourage your child to spell words the best she/he can. It is important not to point our words that are misspelled, but rather remind them to think about what they know about words to help them spell. I bet many of you are able to read most words your child writes! 

Math Workshop 

This week we focused on different ways to represent two digit numbers. For example, we can name 23 as:
2 tens and 3 ones
using ten sticks and circles
Using our number path 

We also learned how  to add ten to a two digit number.  We learned very quickly that we can simply add another ten stick to our drawing when adding a ten. Many friends realized that adding a ten only changes the first digit. 

What a great week!!
Please remember to send a shoebox collection with your child tomorrow!

Have a great weekend and Go Badgers!
Mrs. Hogue