Sunday, October 19, 2014

"Peek at the Week" October 13-16

Here is a peek into our week!

Math Workshop 
This wee we focused on two addition strategies: counting all and counting on.

We explored counting all first. In this strategies, we counted all the dots represented by each number to find out total. As we continued exploring this, we soon realized that this method took a long time. Many friends decided it was quicker to count on from the first number! 
We then learned that this was called counting on. 

In counting on, students start with one number and count on the second number. We knew this was quicker because we didn't need to count the dots we already knew were behind the diary number! Later in the week we learned that it is even faster to count on from the bigger number!

We ended the week by using our 'red count on cards' to help us master the concept of counting on! 

Reader's Workshop
This week we became detectives- word detectives that is! We learned that readers need strategies to tackle tricky words. They look for clues in their stories just like a detective does to solve mysteries!  This week we learned 4 strategies:
Reader use the pictures.
Readers think 'hmmm...what would make sense?
Readers think if the word looks right. 
Readers think if the word sounds right.

We practiced these strategies together before trying them on our own! Mrs. Hogue used the document camera to share books and had some of the words covered up. It was fun to use our detective skills to try and figure out the word! 

Word Work
We added five new words to our word wall:

We also learned a fun way to practice spelling these words called pyramid spelling!

I hope you enjoyed your weekend! 

Mrs. Hogue

Sunday, October 12, 2014

"Peek at the Week" September 29- October 3

We had another great and busy week in first grade!

We wrapped up unit 1 this week. Your child should have brought home their assessment for you to see. 

We spent the rest of our week learning our math workshop routine. This will look similar to readers and writers workshop in that we will start with a mini lesson and then children will have opportunities practice skills appropriate for their individual learning needs. 

We practiced working independently and in small groups this week.

We also learned 2 new games BUMP and Shake and Spill! 

We will be starting unit 2 on Monday. This unit will focus on addition and subtraction  strategies.

Reader's Workshop
We built our reading stamina up to 20 minutes and beyond this week! We were really excited to celebrate this milestone in first grade!

We continued our focus on getting our minds ready to read by learning that readers make predictions, retell stories, and make a plan before reading. 

We learned that it is important to plan our reading so that we can keep our stamina. Readers start with familiar books first, then choose books with more challenges. This helps our minds stay focused. 


Word Work
We added 5 new word wall words to our word wall this week:

We also started the new month enjoying chicken soup with rice!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

Mrs. Hogue

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

"Peek at the Week" October 6-10

Hi families!

I'm so sorry that last week's post did not publish! I fixed the problem so it should be posted!

First graders are really picking up on the routines and expectations of first grade. I decided to highlight the positive things we are doing through a fun app called Class Dojo. 

We have a classroom 'monster' who is keeping track of points we earn by:

Transitioning quietly
Being kind to friends
Having stamina
Following directions

We came up with these goals together as a class and also brainstormed some fun rewards for earning points! (They really wanted to earn points to get a dog class pet so I had to break some hearts with the news that it isn't possible!) We agreed on the following rewards:

7 points = new classroom cheer 
10 points= computers/iPads open during our morning book browsing 
20 points= choice time for part of an afternoon
100 points= class celebration (We will discuss this when it gets closer to the date. Some examples include pajama day, bring a stuffed animal to school, etc.)

It was really fun to create this together and to take the kids' ideas for goals to work on and appropriate rewards!  

First grade is a big transition and we want to celebrate the great things we do!

Here is a peek into our week!

Math Workshop 
This week we focused on addition strategies!  We learned that problem solvers use pictures to help solve problems. They draw the picture, include the number partners, and the total.

Next, we learned that problem solvers use simple shapes to represent their drawings.  We noticed that it takes a long time to draw castles, etc. and it is much quicker to use a simple shape. 

We also leaned about the = sign and how we can write true equations to represent story problems. We also worked in small groups on creating, sorting, and solving equations.

Reader's Workshop
This week we leanrned how readers read with a partner! 

Readers practiced sitting EEKK with their partner (Elbow to Elbow, Knee to Knee).  
Partners also learned how to read together, be fair, and talk about books. 

We built 17 minutes of partner stamina!

Word Work
We added 5 new words to our word wall this week: his, they, is, saw, with. Each week we will be learning new words as well as practicing old words!

Each week we learn the correct letter formations as we practice writing the words. 

We also practice our new words in a variety of ways. This week we did an activity called Highlight a Letter. We used a highlighter to find our word wall words in isolation and in a short story!

On Friday we practiced our word wall words during word wok centers!

iPad app called Doodle Buddy

Sand writing 

Build a word 


This week we leaned about thermometers and how they are used to measure temperature. We measured the temperature inside and outside! 

What a great week!