Sunday, January 25, 2015

"Peek at the Week" January 20-23

We had another great week together! Take a look at our week!

We started our week learning to use doubles to help us solve addition probelms with teen totals. 

In the picture above, you can see how knowing 6+6=12 helps us solve 6+5 and 6+7.  

First graders are expected to use any strategy to solve within totals of 20. For some, this may still mean using their fingers. Children will spend the beginning of 2nd grade strengthening their strategies when solving within 20.  

We then began studying two digit numbers we learned to describe 2 digit numbers by identifying how many ten groups and ones a number has. 

We can also use that knowledge to help us compare numbers.

Reader's Workshop

 This week we focused on inferring character's feelings, charters's traits, and 
tricky words. We studied the book Oliver Button is a Sissy. 

When we infer, we combine our own thinking with clues from the story. 

I was so proud of these first graders- they came up with these inferences all on their own!! This is something great to do at home when you read higher level texts to your child. 

Word Work
This week we focused on the long and short sounds of Ee. We also learned 5 new word wall words:

We had fun practicing these skills this week!

Children take turns reading words on sticks until someone draws the ZAP stick!

4 in a Row
This is a game we have played for each vowel! 

Word Wall Words Cheers 
We learned some fun cheers to help us practice spelling word wall words!

Spelling City 
We love using the iPad to play fun games to help us learn our words!


This week we learned about the star of matter gas. We watched what happened to covered warm water. 

We saw the steam rise in the cup. This steam is a gas!

What a great week!  Don't forget about Bedtime Story Hour this Thursday from 6:30-7:30!

Mrs. Hogue 

Monday, January 19, 2015

"Peek at the Weeks" January 5-9 & 12-16

The I'm sorry for neglecting this blog for the past few weeks! We were so busy getting back into our routine after break that I was forgetting to snap pictures of all our learning! 

This is the time of year many first graders seem to really take off as readers, writers, and mathematicians. As our academic expectations continue to increase it is important that you help your first grader at home by ensuring they are getting time to play, relax, and getting plenty of sleep!

Here is a big peek into our past two weeks!

Math Workshop
We started a new unit on place value concepts. We have been exploring the concept of two digit numbers- we understand that these numbers are made up of ten groups and extra ones. We practiced building 2 digit numbers with ten sticks and ones.

Please note that I encourage children to use a ten frame when representing the 'ones'. This will help children later in the year when we begin adding together two digit numbers! 

We also began exploring our 120 chart. You might notice something different about our 120 chart- the decades of 10 are located along the bottom rather than the right side! I thought this was strange at first too, until I saw just how easy it was for children to 'see' the 10 groups in a 2 digit number! 

When we draw a two digit number, we use ten sticks and circles. A ten stick is simply a line- the same direction as the columns of ten on the 120 chart! This is less confusing to children than the traditional 100 charts that show ten groups horizontally. Although both charts are intoduced to children, we primarily use the chart with 10 groups in columns. 

Next, we began focusing on teen numbers. We describe teen numbers as having a ten group and some extra ones. 

We practiced using ten sticks and circles to represent these numbers. Notice again how children organize their ones like a ten frame!

We then moved into addition strategies for solving probelms with teen totals.   This week we focused on the strategy Make a Ten. 

(I apologize for the blurry picture!)

We practiced using shapes to make a ten group when adding. We can then see a ten group and the extra ones. In the above problem, we can see 8+6 is the same as 10+4.  It is much easier to solve problems with a ten group! 

After we practiced drawing these problems we explored a faster way of making a ten group- using dots to count on the smaller partner!

Children can then use a dot to create a ten group. This helps children to be more accurate than counting on. Some children are beginning to mentally break the smaller partner apart to make a ten group! 

Reader's Workshop
Did you hear we have many new friends in our classroom? We have been meeting the characters in our books and getting to know them just like we get to know the friends in our classroom! 

Much of our focus the past two weeks has been on discussing our characters in whole group, small group , and partnership settings. Students are encouraged to share their thinking and show evidence in their books. Many children are stopping while they are reading to record their thinking on sticky notes to share with their partner. Encourage your child to tell you what they are learning about the characters in their books! 

We started a new unit on changes. 1sr graders will be exploring the properties of solids, liquids, and gasses.

This week did an activity called The Great Melting Race. Students were given an ice cube, or a solid, and had the task of changing it into a liquid!

Children were wrapping their ice cubes in their shirts, breaking it into smaller pieces, or using their hands to try and melt the ice! It was so fun to see their creativity!  We left our melted ice cubes out in Petri dishes to learn what happens to water!

Important Dates:
January 29 - bedtime story hour

February 11, 12, 16