Wednesday, May 20, 2015

"Peek at the Week" May 18-22

This week we learned 1 more way to solve 2 digit addition problems.

The first way is called Show All Totals. In this method, we find the total of the 10s, the total of the 1s, and then we add the totals together.

Reader's Workshop
We began our final unit in reader's workshop this week. We are becoming movie stars!! We are learning how to bring our characters to life by using our voices, gestures, and facial expressions!

We also had our amazing music performance this week!! Way to go first graders!! 

Friday, May 15, 2015

"Peek at the Week" May 11-15

Math Workshop 
We started Unit 8 this week in double digit addition. During this short unit we will be learning different strategies we can use to solve 2 digit addition problems! 

This first strategy we learned is called Ten Sticks and Circles. We learned early this year how to represent a two digit number with 10 sticks and circles.

Next, we looked for a new ten group. We circled the ones to make a new ten group!

Then, we count up the ten sticks and circles to find the total!

The second strategy we learned is called New Group Below. In this strategy, children look at the ones place to determine if a new ten group will be made.  If there is a new ten group, we put it below in the tens column.

The third strategy we learned is probably most familiar to you! It is called New Group Above. This is the same method as New Group Below, but children put the new ten group above in the tens column.

It is important that we continue to encourage children to use the correct terms when solving these problems. We do not use the term 'carrying' when we bring th new ten over!

Reader's Workshop
We wrapped up our research this week by creating posters to show what we learned! 

Look for these out in our hallway!


This week we observed our 3 soils when mixed with water. 

Next, we shook our test tubes to see what would happen to our mixture!  We found that the sand settled back down to the bottom very quickly!

Important Dates
May 27- Audubon field trip 
June 10- parent picnic 

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Peek at the Weeks (April 28-May 1 & May 4-8)

Here is what we have been to!

Math Workshop

We continued our study on shapes. We learned that we can combine squares, rectangles, and triangles to make new shapes!

Next we learned about 3-D shapes! Last year, we learned the names of cones, spheres, cubes, and cylinders. This year we learned all about the rectangular prism. We learned a rectangular prism has 6 faces, 8 vertices, and 12 edges. 

Last week we moved into our final topic in our geometry unit: measurement. In first grade we explore nonstandard units of measurement. We use paper clips, unifix cubes, and links to help us measure and order different objects.

We finished this unit on Thursday and tested in Friday. Next week we will begin our next unit on double digit addition. Due to MAP testing, we won't cover a new lesson each day, so expect 2 days of math homework!

Reader's Workshop
We are busy researching and learning out our final topics! We have been busy collecting new and exciting information in order to teach others about our topics.

We are very excited to announce that 1at grade received 25 new Chromebooks! We used these throughout the week to help us research our topics. We used a website called World Book Kids! We were able to learn so much more by combining online sources with our nonfiction books!

We learned that there are 3 types of soil: humus, sand, and clay. We began exploring the properties of these 3 soils. 

On Friday we planted cucumber seeds in each type of soil. We predicted the seeds  will grow the best in the humus, and not very well in the clay. 

Important Dates:
May 27- Audubon Field Trip
Please be sure to check the weather this day. Our field trip takes place outside (rain or shine) so please make sure your child is dressed appropriately!

June 10 Parent Picnic