Sunday, December 9, 2012

"Peek at the Week" December 3-7

Hello! As many of you already know, I was out of the classroom from November 26- December 4 attending to a family medical emergency back in Minnesota.  Thank you so much for the support and encouragement you have shown me during this difficult time.  I am working hard to get caught back up here at school, and I appreciate your support and understanding through all of this.  You should be getting your child's report card on Monday.

Here is a look at our few days together this week.

 Reader's Workshop

This week we focused on making predictions.  Here is a look at the anchor chart we used this week.

The children were encouraged to record their predictions on sticky notes as they read and determine if their predictions were correct!

Word Work

We have been focusing on the long and short E sounds over the past two weeks.  Here is a look at some fun activities we did to practice using these words!

We also got a little messy with our word work on was a blast!

Math Workshop
We began focusing on telling time to the quarter hour this week.  This is a bit trickier than many of us thought! We will continue this concept next week.  Here is a look at a few activities. 

We talked about clouds this week.  First, we brainstormed everything we knew about clouds.

Then we learned about three different types of clouds- stratus, cumulus, and cirrus.  Ms. Havig introduced us too these 'cloud people' to help us remember each type of cloud!

Finally, we also discussed the different shapes we see from clouds.  We then made a cool cloud project.  We mixed equal parts of shaving  cream and glue and painted a cloud shape.

When these dried, they felt squishy and soft!


Stormonth Winter Concert
Friday, December 21
10:00 AM (families with last names A-L)
2:00 PM (families with last names M-Z)

Concert dress for students is VERY DRESSY!


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