I hope you all enjoyed the three day weekend! I apologize for the delayed post this week!
Here is what we have been up to...
Reader's & Writer's Workshop
We continued our focus on nonfiction this week by reading and researching about Abraham Lincoln's life. Our overall focus was that readers use multiple sources when learning about a topic. We used multiple books, online resources, and Brain Pop! to learn all about Lincoln.
During Writer's Workshop we created a web with all of the information we learned! Boy did we come up with some great information!
Then we wrote reports on everything we learned about Lincoln.
We made these cute Lincoln crafts to display our reports on! I was so impressed with these kiddos on how much they could write about his life! Please look for these at conferences! :)
Math Workshop
We focused on adding and subtracting strategies this week. We looked at making sums of 10 and doubles + 1. We even learned a new song about making 10s...ask your child if they can sing it for you!
We also had some fun new math centers:
Subtraction Bowling
Students set up 10 cups. They take a ball and roll into the cups.
Then, they subtract the cups they knocked down from 10 to determine how many cups should still be up! This was a really fun way to practice our tens facts!
(Sorry this is hard to see with clear cups)
In this game, kids take turn drawing out Popsicle sticks that have basic facts on them. If they solve correctly they get to keep the stick. The game continues until someone draws the ZAP stick. The person with the most sticks wins!
(I am sorry but all my pictures from science were deleted!)
This week we began looking at mixtures. We mixed two solids- gravel and salt. We were able to determine that the properties of the solids did not change when we mixed them together.
Valentine's Day
We had a very fun Valentine's Day in first grade!
We made cute Valentine's Bags...
Ate yummy food.....
Played a fun game called J-I-N-G-O
Enjoyed getting prizes...
Enjoyed opening our valentines...
And of course got a little silly :)
All the boys
All the girls
All my silly friends :)
I hope you all had a fun filled weekend :) Don't forget to practice those addition and subtraction facts!!!
Ms. Havig
Ms. Havig
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