Sunday, October 20, 2013

"Peek at the Week" October 14-18

We had a great week celebrating Red Ribbon Week and talking about making healthy choices for our bodies.  Thank you to many of you who sent in healthy snack choices for your child! 

Don't week we have an Early Release on Wednesday followed by no school for students on Thursday and Friday.  I am looking forward to meeting with you during conferences!

Here is a peek into our week!

Writer's Workshop
This week we continued our unit on Small Moments by revisiting stretching out tricky words.  We say the word and record each sound we hear.  This tied in nicely with our Word Detective unit in Reader's Workshop!

We also continued focusing on stretching out our stories across several pages.  It is important for writers to plan and organize their writing.  We practiced writing a shared Small Moment experience together and adding transition words into our writing. (First, next, then, last, etc.)

Stretching our story across our fingers with a partner.

Reader's Workshop
We continued our unit on Word Detectives.  We are learning how to solve tricky words we come across in our reading.  

This week we added 3 more strategies:
*Is it a snap word?  (word wall word)
*Look for 'chunks' you know
*Skip the word and come back to it

We used these strategies during independent and guided reading.  Each child recorded a tricky word they encountered on a sticky note and stuck it to the strategy they used.  It is amazing to see how independently first graders can solve tricky words!

Word Work
This week we began our 10 week study on vowels.  We focused on the long and short sounds of 'A' this week.  

We began the week with a picture sort.  Children read each picture to determine if it had a short or long A. 

We also looked at two short A words- am and an
We completed an activity called:  If you know ____ it helps you know _____.   

We had a lot of fun seeing how many words we could think of with these two words inside!

Math Workshop
We are working hard on continuing to build our addition strategies.  This week we focused on a concept called counting on.  We learned that it is much faster to find the bigger number and count on. 

We practiced underlining the bigger number and counting on to find the total.

We also learned a new game called The Number Quilt.  Students solve addition cards and place them on the quilt!

Next week we will begin focusing on subtraction strategies!


This week we revisited thermometers.  We know thermometers are tools to measure temperature.  We took the temperature inside and outside using real thermometers! 

A is for Art
We went to the Milwaukee Art Museum on Friday.  We were encouraged to look for paintings, or parts of paintings that represented each letter of the alphabet!  When we came back, we made a class book called A is for Art! 

Just a few reminders
*Our weather is beginning to get quite chilly!  Please make sure your child has appropriate clothing for recess.  
* Please continue to work with your child on tying his/her shoes!  With winter coming up there will be many times throughout the day in which shoes come on and off! 

Enjoy your weekend!  
Mrs. Hogue