Sunday, October 6, 2013

"Peek at the Week" September 30-October 4

Room 126 has been another busy and fun week!  We have finished our first units in Writer's Workshop, Reader's Workshop, and Math!  Be sure to read through the entire post for important reminders about Open House and information about our first field trip!

Writer's Workshop
This week we learned that authors 'fix up and fancy' their writing before publishing.  Authors select a piece of writing to publish, reread it for accuracy, and fix up (edit) their words.  We also added color to our pictures!

On Wednesday we had an author's celebration.  We shared our finished piece with our friends, and shared our favorite sentence with the class.

I will be holding on to all your child's published pieces this year and returning them for our poetry picnic at the end of the year.  You will be able to see your child's first published piece at open house next week :)  They did an amazing job as authors!

On Thursday we began our next unit in writing called Small Moments.  During this unit, children are taught to write about one moment in an event.  Children learn how to stretch these moments out over several pages and include interesting details.  To help illustrate this point, we read a story called  Night of the Veggie Monster.

In this story, the author focuses on ONE moment- having to try a pea at dinner time.  We looked at how the author included details, details, and more details to tell his story.  

We also learned that writers need to check their writing to make sure their topic is focused on a small moment.  We asked ourselves the three questions below:

Then, we paired up with a partner to ask the same three questions!

Reader's Workshop
We wrapped up our first unit on Building a Reading Life by learning how to read with a partner!  Partner reading is important because it provides children with opportunities to build fluency and talk about their books.

We learned that partners sit EEKK (elbow to elbow, knee to knee)

We learned that partners can read books 3 different ways:
1.  I read, You read
2.  Choral reading
3.  Taking Turns

We also learned how partners need to be fair when choosing books, and how partners can talk about their books.  These first graders did an amazing job reading with their reading partners this week!  It is a very exciting part of Reader's Workshop!

Word Work
We celebrated the end of September by reading our September Chicken Soup With Rice and making soup to enjoy :)

We learned 10 more 'snap' words this week.  We are getting our snap words onto our word wall early on in the year so children can use them during Reader's and Writer's Workshop.

We added these 10 words:
We finished our first unit in math on number partners!  We wrapped up the unit by looking at partners of 10.  These number partners are very important and we will focus on them throughout much of the year.   We had fun making partners of 10 with a partner and linking cubes!

I will send home your child's Unit 1 assessment on Monday.  Please review it, sign it, and return the assessment to school.  

We ended the week by working in math work stations.  Many of these activities will be used throughout the year to reinforce adding and subtracting strategies.  We are working to build our independence during math as we move into a math workshop model.  

This week we learned about wind!  We discussed our thoughts on wind, and learned that meteorologist measure wind speed with a special instrument called a anemometer.   

We made our own tool to measure wind speed- a wind flag!  We will be 'measuring' the wind speed throughout the remainder of the month.

We ended our lesson by reading a book by Pat Hutchins called The Wind Blew.  We made a class book about things that wind does that is helpful and things that are bad!

Don't forget...Open House is this Thursday from 6:00-8:00pm.  Classrooms are open from 6:00-7:00 and then head over to the book fair to check out some great books at great prices!
Don't forget to send in your coins next week (Monday- pennies/nickles, Tuesday- dimes, Wednesday- quarters).  The winning class gets to have lunch with Mrs. Grimm-Nilsen!

First grade will be going on our first field trip to the Milwaukee Art Museum on October 18 from 9:00am-11:00am.  I am able to take one parent chaperone.  If you are interested please contact me. 
Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
Mrs. Hogue

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