Friday, January 17, 2014

"Peek at the Week" January 13-17

It is crazy to think that this was our first full week of school since December! We had so much fun learning and growing this week!

Crazy Hat Day!

Writer's Workshop
We are continuing to write wonderful realistic fiction stories!  It has been fun to hear all the excitement as children create adventures for their characters.  This week we focused on:

Being brave and writing hard-to-spell-words

 Making sure our stories have an ending so we don't leave our reading hanging

Bringing our stories to life

Reader's Workshop
We continued working on meeting the characters in our books!

This week we focused on:

Readers learn things their characters do.

Characters can change from the beginning of a story to the end of a story.

By knowing our characters really well, we are able to make accurate predictions about the story.

By learning about our characters, we can figure out what kind of a person they are inside and out!

Word Work
We learned about R-controlled vowels this week - or Bossy R!  When there is an R after a vowel it controls the sound.  We started the week by learning about the -ar and -or sounds.

Later in the week we met the "Bossy R Triplets"!  IR  ER  and UR.  They are triplets because sometimes they make the same sounds!

We practiced these words by sorting together as words, then as pictures!

Things got a little tricky in romm 226 this week.  We are working on making a ten group when we add numbers with a total in the teens!  WOW!  This will make adding much easier :)  So what does this mean?  Take a look:

We are learning to 'find the ten group' in the addition sentence.  Children are beginning to learn that they can can break apart the number partners in different ways.  For example, in the above problem this children realized that 8 needs 2 more to make a ten.  If you take 2 from 7, you are left with 5.  So the number sentence reads 10 + 5 = 15.  This is much easier to add than 8 + 7!

Here are ways we practiced finding the ten!

Adding on with dots

Making a math mountain from one of the number partners.

Using unifix cubes to break apart one number partner so we can make a ten!

Using our grid to add:  9 + 9 = 18


Just a reminder....there is no school on Monday!  Enjoy your day!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs. Hogue

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