Writer' Workshop
We began writing our very own nonfiction CHAPTER books!
We started by thinking about a topic we knew very well. Then, we thought of all the different parts we could teach our readers about! We all created a table of contents to help us organize our chapters.
We will be finishing these up this week!
Reader' Workshop
Before spring break, we learned that readers ask questions about nonfiction topics. Then they read many books on the same topic to find the answers to their questions.
Readers read books and used online read purses to answer their questions!
Then we moved into digging deeper into nonfiction by researching a topic with a partner. We worked to read and collect key ideas about our topic. We worked to create posters to share our learning with others.
Word Work
We learned about plural nouns!
We learned that most nouns simply need an -a to make them plural. We found nouns around our classroom and made them plural by adding an -s.
We also spent time learning about nouns that need an -es and -ies. Encourage your fist grader to use these endings at home when writing!
Math Workshop
We wrapped up unit 6 on comparing data and moved on to unit 7 on measurement, geometry, and equal shares.
1st graders should be able to tell time to the nearest hour and half hour by the end of the year. This is a great thing to practice at home!
After spending some 'time' on time, we moved on to shapes. We learned about rectangles and squares. We learned that rectangles are shapes with 4 sides and 4 square corners. We learned that squares are special rectangles because they have 4 equal sides and 4 square corners.
We had fun using shapes to explore and build other shapes.
Before break we wrapped up our unit on Solids, Liquids, and Gases with a First Grade root beer float party! Rootbeer floats are made up of all three states of matter!
Last week we started our new unit on Soils. We went outside to explore soil. We dig up some soil and recorded what we found!
Important Dates
April 30 & May 7 MAP testing
May 10 Cupcake Run
May 16 Spring Concert 10:00 & 2:00
May 23 & 26 No school for students
May 28- Audubon Field trip
June 4- Reunification/evacuation drill
June 6- Poetry picnic 10:30-12:00
*We would like to sincerely apologize for the conflict our picnic shares with the K4 farm field trip. We tried our best to avoid conflicts, but unfortunately the end of the year gets very busy for all grade levels. Please know you don't have to stay for the entire picnic, and can leave at any time to meet your K4 child at the farm.
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