Things were very busy in room 126 this week. First graders began a two week long nonfiction research project during our Reader's and Writer's Workshop. This culminating nonfiction project requires kids to use everything they have learned about reading and writing nonfiction to research, identify key ideas, and write a nonfiction teaching book with greater independence. Each child chose their own topic to research and become an expert on. This week really hit home with me as to how independent and 'grown up' my first graders have become. As I conferenced and met with children, I was taken back with how hard they are working on their projects!
Our Reader's and Writer's Workshop time has morphed into one block of time. Although I continue to teach a mini lesson in each area each day, children are working on the projects at their own pace and going back and forth between reading and writing during the morning.
We have focused quite heavily on identifying the author's key idea when we read nonfiction. One way to so this is by using the headings.
After children have identified a key idea, they work to find facts to support it. We can use multiple books and websites to help find information. One children have researched a key idea, they turn it into a chapter for their nonfiction chapter book.
We will be continuing our research all next week. Be sure to ask your child the topic they are becoming an expert on!
Math Workshop
We learned about the attributes of triangles and circles this week. We are learning to describe and define shapes by the number of sides and corners it has.
We also worked hard in identifying shapes that have a square corner. In first grade this term is used to describe a 90 degree angle or a right angle. We say square corner because it is a visual and meaningful way for children to check for this type of angle in shapes. One way we practiced this was by putting shapes on a grid to check for these special kinds of corners.
We wrapped up the week by learning that we can combine shapes to make new shapes! This proved to be a bit tricky. First graders had to think of how to use rectangles, squares, and triangles to make new rectangles and squares!
We also touched in equal shares this week. First grade common core states that first graders can divide shapes into two and four equal shares. First graders are not expected to write or read fractions (although many of them can...most first graders insist when they are 6 1/2 and not 6!!) We will touch on this concept again next week.
Because some of our lessons are long and full of new concepts, I have been breaking them into two days. I'm sure you are noticing homework isn't coming home every night. Please use those nights for DreamBox learning. I notice a HUGE difference in children who spend time on DreamBox outside of school. They have the opportunity to practice and extend concepts taught in school and are also exposed to new concepts prior to leaning them in the classroom. I cannot tell you how many time I have had kids tell me that they are familiar with something because they saw it on DreamBox! I also strongly encourage you to have your child go on daily this summer! There is an app for your iPad. Let me know if you need the directions and password to get this set up!
Did you hear we got some new critters in our room?! Yes it is true...we have worms living in iur room! First graders will be learning how worms help soil by observing worms In a compost Baggie over the next serveral months.
What a great week!
Please be sure to check your child's folder on Monday for important information about upcoming events!
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Hogue