Sunday, May 11, 2014

"Peek at the Week" May 5-9

Happy Mother's Day to all you amazing moms!! Thank you for all you do :)

Here is a peek into our week:

Reader's and Writer's Workshop
We wrapped up our nonfiction research this week! We all published our nonfiction chapter books! We will be sharing these with families at our poetry picnic next month.

This week we worked on writing introductions and conclusions, giving our chapters interesting titles, and adding special features such as glossaries and diagrams.

On Friday we spent time sharing our books with our friends. 

Word Work
This week we focused on contractions. We are learning to recognize contractions  and understand they are a short way of saying two words.

Math Workshop
This week we continued our study of shapes. We learned about 3-D shapes this week. We even learned about a new kind of 3-D shape: rectangular prism! A rectangular prism is a shape with 6 flat sides and 8 vertices, or corners. 

We wrapped up the week talking about measurement. We compared objects of various length and ordered them shortest to longest, or longest to shortest. 

Common core standard state that first graders can:
Order three objects by length; compare the lengths of two objects indirectly by using a third object.

This week we learned about the three types of soil: humus, sand, and clay. We explored the properties of these soils. 

We also explored what happens to the soils when they get wet!

I hope everyone had a great weekend! It was fun to see a couple familiar faces at the Cupcake Run on Saturday! 

Mrs. Hogue

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