Friday, January 4, 2013

"Peek at the Week" January 2-4

Kids Celebrating the New Year 
Happy New Year!
I cannot believe it is already January!  This year is FLYING by! We had a *fantastic* three days this week!  I was very impressed with how well everyone transitioned back into our school routine and was ready to learn!  Here is a "peek" at our short week!

New Year's Resolutions
On Wednesday we read a book called Squirrel's New Year's Resolution.
We talked about why people make new year's resolutions.  Then we brainstormed some resolutions of our own.  We turned these resolutions into an adorable 'party person' to hang on our door to remind us of our goals.  


 We also had fun working in some New Year's celebration centers.

How many words can you make from  HAPPY NEW YEAR?

 Putting "New Year's" words in ABC order.

And of course blowing our horns to celebrate each other's resolutions :)

Reader's Workshop
This week we focused on tools readers need when they become confused while reading.  This may happen by getting distracted or by daydreaming.  We practiced recognizing when we become confused, and going back and rereading.

Sometimes readers become confused by tricky parts in the book that are later explained in the story.  We practiced continuing reading to see if our confusion is cleared up!

However the *HIGHLIGHT* of Reader's Workshop this week was adding our next piece to the Daily 5....Work on Writing.  

Wow was this a hit!  The kiddos were so excited about this.  It is so important for kids to have time at school to exploring different types of writing in addition to structured writing time (writer's workshop).  We began by brainstorming different types of writing:

Then we practiced building our writing stamina.

The Daily 5 is a system of providing children with academic choices as well as fostering independence in the classroom.  While children are engaged in Daily 5 activities I am meeting with children in small reading groups.  The daily 5 consists of:

Read to Self

Read to Friend

 Listen to Reading

 Work on Writing

And coming soon.... WORD WORK

 Word Work
We celebrated January with a new Chicken Soup with Rice poem.


We also got to enjoy some warm chicken soup with rice :)

Math Workshop
We began unit 5 this week.  The first two lessons focus on place value using base-10 blocks.  These blocks help provide children with a concrete model on place value and what each place represents.  Here is a peek into some center activities this week:

 Roll to 100

 <, >, = 12 addition facts

 Number Scrolls

Every Day Math Games

It has been a busy but FUN week! 

Important Reminders

We are going on a field trip next Thursday to Helfaer Theatre to see Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse.  I would love to have one parent come along to chaperone. (due to ticket numbers we are only able to have one per classroom)  If you can help out, we are leaving Stormonth at 9:00 and return at 11:00.  To be fair, I'll take the first parent that emails me :)

Bedtime Story Night is Thursday, January 17 from 6:30-7:30. Please see the note in your child's folder for more information!

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