Sunday, November 10, 2013

"Peek at the Week" November 4- 8

Our classroom was buzzing with learning this week!  It is *amazing* watching all these kids go from being 'kindergarteners' to 1st graders!  They are becoming more independent, thinking deeper, and working together to solve problems.  I couldn't be more proud!

Here is a peek into our week!

Writer's Workshop
We wrapped up our first bend in Small Moments this week.  We learned how writers become readers as they edit- or fix up and fancy- their writing.  We all selected our favorite piece to edit for our celebration on Friday. 

We used our writing partners to help us fix up our writing.  Our partners checked to make sure we spelled word wall words correctly and stretched our sounds. They also helped to make sure our sentences made sense.

We  also evaluated our own writing with a writers checklist!  We checked for spacing, capital letters, punctuation, and spelling.

We celebrated our hard work on Thursday and Friday by having a writer's gallery.  We created frames to display our writing- just like we saw at the art museum.  We spent time reading our friends' stories!

Everyone brought home their writing folders on Friday.  I hope you had a chance to read all the wonderful stories your child brought home!

We will continue with Small Moments next week.  We will begin focusing on bring our characters to life as we write!

 Reader's Workshop
We continued our focus on retelling this week.  We learned that if readers have a difficult time retelling the story it is important to go back and reread.  We are realizing that there is more to reading than reading the words on the page.  Readers need to think while they read and understand story elements.  

We made 'retelling ropes' to keep in our book bins.  We use these during Reader's Workshop to retell the story after we finish a book!

We also practiced retelling our stories in writing- with a partner and by ourselves!  

Math Workshop 
We wrapped up Unit 2 on Addition and Subtraction this week!  We took the unit 2 assessment on Thursday.  Please look for these in your child's Monday Folder.

We spent most of the week looking at and exploring the relationship between addition and subtraction.

We realized that if we knew 5 + 3 = 8 it helped us know 8 - 5 = 3!  

If we know 6 + 3 = 9 it helps us know 9 - 6 = 3.

Over the next two weeks we will be taking a break from Math Expressions to continue our investigation of addition and subtraction in Context for Learning Mathematics.  Please look for a very important letter in your child's folder on Monday that will have more detail!

We will begin talking about the water cycle next week.  In order to kick off this concept, we are conducting an experiment-  observing 'puddles'.  Each group made a puddle by pouring water in a pie pan. (We added food coloring so we can see the water better.)  We will be watching these puddles over the next week and recording our observations. 

What a great week!
Mrs. Hogue

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