Here is a peek into our week!
First Day Fun!
It can be scary to start a new school year- new friends, new classroom, and new teachers!! Many friends felt jittery about starting first grade! We read a story about a boy who was also nervous about starting first grade!
Next, we had a special treat to help get rid of our jitters- JITTER JUICE!
Once we drank this special juice we felt so much better!
We also read a special poem about Jitter Juice. We all got our very own copy to keep in our poetry book!
Reader's Workshop
We started working on building our reading stamina this week! Readers work to stay focused on their reading in order to become stronger readers! We all have a special book bin that holds books that are 'Just Right' for us!
We also talked about what our job as readers is during read to self time.
We spent this week in Writer's Workshop getting to know one another by creating class books!
We started the week creating our own version of the book 'Brown Bear'. Instead of animals, this book has our names and faces!
Next, we made our version of the book If You Take a Mouse to School. We brainstormed the things we need to be successful at school.
Finally, we interviewed a new friend to add to our book First Grade Friends.
Math Workshop
This week we explored some of the materials we will use to help us solve problems in math.
We used objects to represent numbers in 10 frames.
We explored unifix cubes through an activity called Roll and Build. We rolled a dice and built a tower to represent that number.
We had a lot of fun creating patterns and solving puzzles with pattern blocks!
Finally, we learned how to use white boards and markers! We rolled a big dice and practiced writing that number on our white board.
King and Queen
During the month of September we will get to know each child a little bit more through King or Queen of the day! Each day we will choose a new king or queen!
The Stormonth Way
We spent time on Wednesday reviewing our school's expectations. Our specialists ran a 'boot camp' and reviewed what we should do in the hallway, bathrooms, cafeteria, and bus lines.
We will also continue our BUG incentive this year! Look for these to come home throughout the year!
What a great first week!
Please mark your calendars for Parent Information Night on Wednesday, September 16 from 6:00-8:00pm.
Enjoy the holiday weekend!
Mrs. Hogue
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