Monday, September 26, 2016

"Peek at the Week" September 19-23

We had another great week in first grade!  Here is what we did!

Writer's Workshop
We wrapped up our first bend in small moment writing!  We spent time revising one piece.  We used RED pens to REVISE.  First graders looked to fix up capital letters, punctuation, and spelling. Revising is a lot of work!  

We shared our revised story in a 'story museum'.  We enjoyed reading each other's small moment stories!

Reader's Workshop
We reviewed Reading Superpowers many of us learned as K5 friends!  It is important for readers to use their powers when reading just right books!

We practiced using the Super Power of Snap Words (word wall words) to help us read our books.  We noticed that many snap words are even hidden inside longer words.  Below you will see a story with a lot of words, but look how many are snap words!  Our power of snap words helps us read most of the words on the page!

Next we looked at the power of blends.  We reviewed our blend chart and worked hard to notice blends as we read.

We also learned quickly that super readers often use many powers at once!  Below we used the power of blends AND the power of snap words.  Look how many words we figured out!

 Finally, we learned that super readers read through the WHOLE word and notice endings.  We found the word 'look' on many pages, but sometimes it had an -ing ending, and other times it had an -s ending.  Noticing endings helps us make better sense of the story!

We are now ready to start bringing home 'just right' books to read each night!  Please look for book briefcases to come home tomorrow!  There will be a reading log inside your child's book briefcase that is his/her responsibility to fill out :)  First graders are encouraged to reread books over and over again.  You may see a book come home more than once, and that is OK!  Your child will book shop once a week to exchange books.  

Math Workshop
This week we reviewed number writing/formation using our Handwriting Without Tears language.  We also had fun playing math centers we have learned this year.  I was able to give all children our beginning of the year math assessment which will help drive my small group instruction.  

We will begin lessons from Math Expressions on Tuesday (9/27).  The math 'homework' packet will also come home this day.  Please remember these pages are OPTIONAL and do not need to be returned to school.  Please don't complete more than 3 a week.

Word Work
We met some more kings and queens this week!

We also completed our social contract.  We made a list of 'rules' and expectations we agree to follow in our classroom.  
What a great and busy week!

If you have not returned your conference form please send it ASAP!  Preferred time slots are filling up fast!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

"Peek at the Week" September 12-16

We had a GREAT first FULL week of 1st grade!  Thank you to everyone who was able to attend Parent Orientation on Tuesday.  I hope many of your questions about first grade were answered.  I am looking forward to a wonderful year :)

Here is a peek into our week!

Writer's Workshop
We launched our first unit this week - Small Moments.  We will be writing true, personal narratives about our lives!  I absolutely LOVE this unit because I get to learn so much about all of the kids!

We learned that authors follow steps from thinking of an idea to getting it into writing.
1.  Think of an idea (something you have done, or something that has happened to you)
2.  Plan: touch and tell the pages
3.  Sketch the pictures
4.  Write the words
5.  Revise:  add to the pictures or words

We also learned a phrase:  When you think you're done, you've just begun!  We learned that writers are NEVER done writing!  Our lives are full of stories to tell!

*We are using PENS this year in writer's workshop!  One of our 1st grade teachers went to New York this summer for training around writer's workshop taught by the writers of our units of study.  It was recommended that young authors use pens instead of pencils.  We want kids to focus  on getting their thoughts down on paper.  It is much quicker to cross something out when a mistake is made than to erase it.  Pens help children not lose their 'flow' and stamina.  We of course will be teaching children to revise and edit, but our primary focus in 1st grade is learning to take an idea and write organized stories with details.

Reader's Workshop
We are working hard to build our reading stamina!  This week we learned about 'Just Right' and 'Good Fit' books.

We learned how readers can use their fingers to find a book that is a good fit for them.  We pick up a new book and read a page or two.  If there are 0-1 words we get stuck on, the book is probably too easy.  If there are 2-3 words we get stuck on the book is just right.  4 or more means it is too hard.  Although we use this as a guide for finding just right books, we also want children to know that it is important to also read the pictures and retell the story.  This concept takes LOTS of practise, and we will revisit it a lot throughout the year.

Children will be working this year to determine if a book is 'just right' based on the 5 finger rule, if it is of interest to them as a reader, and if they are able to read it in one of the 3 ways: pictures, words, or retelling.  I want children to work to select books that help them grow as a READER, not by the 'level' they are at.  In fact, we do not have baskets of labeled level books.  (I of course know the levels of each book bin and help guide children in self selecting books).  I want children to identify themselves as readers based on strategies they are working on, not by the 'level' they are reading.  We will discuss your child's progress and reading level at conferences.  Of course, if you are ever curious about the level your child is working at please contact me :)

Math Workshop
We began the week looking at how mathematicians can 'see' different numbers.  Below you can see how 3 friends in our class saw or visualized the number 8!

This work is important as we move into addition and subtraction strategies this year!

We also spent time exploring the 120 chart.  We looked for patterns, and practiced counting in different ways.  A goal for first graders is to count to 120 starting at ANY number!  We practice this daily :)  We played a game called 'Guess the covered number'.  We had a lot of fun using clues from the 120 chart to determine the number that was covered.

We learned new games this week!  We also learned how to use the Chrome Books to access Dreambox and a site called ABCya to play math games.

Word Work
We had new kings and queens this week!

We also added our first 5 words to our word wall:

What a great and busy week of learning!

Important Dates:
9/19:  MAP testing
9/20:  Lockdown and Reunification Drill starting at 2:35pm.
9/26: Field Trip to Retzer Nature Center
9/28:  Early Release
10/3:  No school
10/5:  Early Release and PTO Book Fair
10/12:  No school

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.  Tonight's Viking/Packer game is always a tense night in the Hogue household.  Mommy won this round :) 

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Peek at the Week: September 1-2 & 6-9

We had a wonderful first 6 days together! Take a look at what we did!

1st grade routines
We learned the morning routine.  Each morning we come into the classroom, put our folders in our mailboxes, make a lunch choice, and explore our table tubs.  Each day there are fun activities for us to use our creative thinking and cooperation skills!  It is also a great way for us to spend time getting to know our friends!

Writer's Workshop

We used our writer's workshop time the first few days of school to create class books with predictable text to add to our classroom library.  We were inspired by well known books and authors to write our own!

Reader's Workshop

We learned all about 1st grade reader's workshop!  We have important jobs to do, and so does Mrs. Hogue!

It is expected that readers:

  • Get started reading right away
  • Stay in one spot
  • Read quietly
  • Read the whole time

When we do these things, it helps us build our reading stamina!  Last week we built 5 minutes of reading stamina.  Way to go!

Next we learned how readers choose spots in the classroom.  We talked about the importance of choosing a spot that will help us do our best reading. Some friends like laying on the floor.  Others like sitting at the table.  We also learned how to use the Scoop Rockers! (These special seats were funded by the FPBS Foundation!)

Word Work
We are using a word work time to get to know the friends in our classroom!  Each day we crown a new king or queen of the day!  During each child's day we learn about the king or queens favorite things.  We also take a close look at their name.  We look for vowels, consonants, and learn how to write the letters!

We learn LOTS of poems in first grade!  Poems help us build our reading fluency.  We keep our poetry collections in a special book inside our book bins!  We learned some special poems this week, but our FAVORITE was learning our September 'Chicken Soup with Rice' poem!  These monthly poems are written by Maurice Sendak.  The best part - we get to enjoy some chicken soup as we learn the poem!

Math Workshop

We learn many new games at the beginning of the year.  We learn how to use math materials, work together, and talk about math!

The first couple weeks our mini lessons focus on a concept called subitizing.  Subitizing is the ability to 'see' a small amount of objects and know how many there are without counting. Just like many people no longer have to count the number of dots on a dice because they can just see the number in their minds!  This skill is important to our understanding of numbers can be composed and decomposed!

We used 10 frames as one way to look at amounts.  Mrs. Hogue showed us some counters quickly, and then covered them up.  We discussed how our brains 'saw' each number!

We learned some fun math games!

Important Dates

  • Monday 9/12 and 9/19  MAP testing
  • Tuesday 9/13  Parent Orientation 6:00-6:40  Please meet the first grade teachers in the cafeteria for a curriculum overview.  After the curriculum overview each teacher will meet with families in the classroom for additional information.  We have so much to share with you, so we will begin promptly at 6:00.  
  • Wednesday 9/14  Early Release.  Students are dismissed at 2:30pm.
  •  Monday 9/26  Field Trip to Retzer Nature Center.  *Please note, all chaperones must complete the background check.  Please contact the school office for information on how to complete this.