1st grade routines
We learned the morning routine. Each morning we come into the classroom, put our folders in our mailboxes, make a lunch choice, and explore our table tubs. Each day there are fun activities for us to use our creative thinking and cooperation skills! It is also a great way for us to spend time getting to know our friends!
Reader's Workshop
We learned all about 1st grade reader's workshop! We have important jobs to do, and so does Mrs. Hogue!
It is expected that readers:
- Get started reading right away
- Stay in one spot
- Read quietly
- Read the whole time
When we do these things, it helps us build our reading stamina! Last week we built 5 minutes of reading stamina. Way to go!
Next we learned how readers choose spots in the classroom. We talked about the importance of choosing a spot that will help us do our best reading. Some friends like laying on the floor. Others like sitting at the table. We also learned how to use the Scoop Rockers! (These special seats were funded by the FPBS Foundation!)
Word Work
We learn LOTS of poems in first grade! Poems help us build our reading fluency. We keep our poetry collections in a special book inside our book bins! We learned some special poems this week, but our FAVORITE was learning our September 'Chicken Soup with Rice' poem! These monthly poems are written by Maurice Sendak. The best part - we get to enjoy some chicken soup as we learn the poem!
Math Workshop
We learn many new games at the beginning of the year. We learn how to use math materials, work together, and talk about math!
The first couple weeks our mini lessons focus on a concept called subitizing. Subitizing is the ability to 'see' a small amount of objects and know how many there are without counting. Just like many people no longer have to count the number of dots on a dice because they can just see the number in their minds! This skill is important to our understanding of numbers can be composed and decomposed!
We used 10 frames as one way to look at amounts. Mrs. Hogue showed us some counters quickly, and then covered them up. We discussed how our brains 'saw' each number!
We learned some fun math games!
Important Dates
- Monday 9/12 and 9/19 MAP testing
- Tuesday 9/13 Parent Orientation 6:00-6:40 Please meet the first grade teachers in the cafeteria for a curriculum overview. After the curriculum overview each teacher will meet with families in the classroom for additional information. We have so much to share with you, so we will begin promptly at 6:00.
- Wednesday 9/14 Early Release. Students are dismissed at 2:30pm.
- Monday 9/26 Field Trip to Retzer Nature Center. *Please note, all chaperones must complete the background check. Please contact the school office for information on how to complete this.
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