Writer's Workshop
We wrapped up our first bend in small moment writing! We spent time revising one piece. We used RED pens to REVISE. First graders looked to fix up capital letters, punctuation, and spelling. Revising is a lot of work!
We shared our revised story in a 'story museum'. We enjoyed reading each other's small moment stories!
Reader's Workshop
We reviewed Reading Superpowers many of us learned as K5 friends! It is important for readers to use their powers when reading just right books!
We practiced using the Super Power of Snap Words (word wall words) to help us read our books. We noticed that many snap words are even hidden inside longer words. Below you will see a story with a lot of words, but look how many are snap words! Our power of snap words helps us read most of the words on the page!
Next we looked at the power of blends. We reviewed our blend chart and worked hard to notice blends as we read.
We also learned quickly that super readers often use many powers at once! Below we used the power of blends AND the power of snap words. Look how many words we figured out!
Finally, we learned that super readers read through the WHOLE word and notice endings. We found the word 'look' on many pages, but sometimes it had an -ing ending, and other times it had an -s ending. Noticing endings helps us make better sense of the story!
We are now ready to start bringing home 'just right' books to read each night! Please look for book briefcases to come home tomorrow! There will be a reading log inside your child's book briefcase that is his/her responsibility to fill out :) First graders are encouraged to reread books over and over again. You may see a book come home more than once, and that is OK! Your child will book shop once a week to exchange books.
Math Workshop
This week we reviewed number writing/formation using our Handwriting Without Tears language. We also had fun playing math centers we have learned this year. I was able to give all children our beginning of the year math assessment which will help drive my small group instruction.
We will begin lessons from Math Expressions on Tuesday (9/27). The math 'homework' packet will also come home this day. Please remember these pages are OPTIONAL and do not need to be returned to school. Please don't complete more than 3 a week.
Word Work
We met some more kings and queens this week!
We also completed our social contract. We made a list of 'rules' and expectations we agree to follow in our classroom.
What a great and busy week!
If you have not returned your conference form please send it ASAP! Preferred time slots are filling up fast!
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