Here is a peek into our week!
Writer's Workshop
We launched our first unit this week - Small Moments. We will be writing true, personal narratives about our lives! I absolutely LOVE this unit because I get to learn so much about all of the kids!
We learned that authors follow steps from thinking of an idea to getting it into writing.
1. Think of an idea (something you have done, or something that has happened to you)
2. Plan: touch and tell the pages
3. Sketch the pictures
4. Write the words
5. Revise: add to the pictures or words
We also learned a phrase: When you think you're done, you've just begun! We learned that writers are NEVER done writing! Our lives are full of stories to tell!
*We are using PENS this year in writer's workshop! One of our 1st grade teachers went to New York this summer for training around writer's workshop taught by the writers of our units of study. It was recommended that young authors use pens instead of pencils. We want kids to focus on getting their thoughts down on paper. It is much quicker to cross something out when a mistake is made than to erase it. Pens help children not lose their 'flow' and stamina. We of course will be teaching children to revise and edit, but our primary focus in 1st grade is learning to take an idea and write organized stories with details.
Reader's Workshop
We are working hard to build our reading stamina! This week we learned about 'Just Right' and 'Good Fit' books.
We learned how readers can use their fingers to find a book that is a good fit for them. We pick up a new book and read a page or two. If there are 0-1 words we get stuck on, the book is probably too easy. If there are 2-3 words we get stuck on the book is just right. 4 or more means it is too hard. Although we use this as a guide for finding just right books, we also want children to know that it is important to also read the pictures and retell the story. This concept takes LOTS of practise, and we will revisit it a lot throughout the year.
Children will be working this year to determine if a book is 'just right' based on the 5 finger rule, if it is of interest to them as a reader, and if they are able to read it in one of the 3 ways: pictures, words, or retelling. I want children to work to select books that help them grow as a READER, not by the 'level' they are at. In fact, we do not have baskets of labeled level books. (I of course know the levels of each book bin and help guide children in self selecting books). I want children to identify themselves as readers based on strategies they are working on, not by the 'level' they are reading. We will discuss your child's progress and reading level at conferences. Of course, if you are ever curious about the level your child is working at please contact me :)
Math Workshop
We began the week looking at how mathematicians can 'see' different numbers. Below you can see how 3 friends in our class saw or visualized the number 8!
This work is important as we move into addition and subtraction strategies this year!
We also spent time exploring the 120 chart. We looked for patterns, and practiced counting in different ways. A goal for first graders is to count to 120 starting at ANY number! We practice this daily :) We played a game called 'Guess the covered number'. We had a lot of fun using clues from the 120 chart to determine the number that was covered.
We learned new games this week! We also learned how to use the Chrome Books to access Dreambox and a site called ABCya to play math games.
Word Work
We had new kings and queens this week!
We also added our first 5 words to our word wall:
What a great and busy week of learning!
Important Dates:
9/19: MAP testing
9/20: Lockdown and Reunification Drill starting at 2:35pm.
9/26: Field Trip to Retzer Nature Center
9/28: Early Release
10/3: No school
10/5: Early Release and PTO Book Fair
10/12: No school
I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Tonight's Viking/Packer game is always a tense night in the Hogue household. Mommy won this round :)
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